From the Pastor...

Brookwood began in 1977 as a place inspired and initiated by God.  A lot of changes have occurred through the years with expansion of ministries, technology and facilities, but one thing has never changed -- our message of Good News to the world!  You are loved by God and by turning from your sin and self and trusting in Him by faith, you will experience forgiveness of your past, strength for today and hope for tomorrow!  Walking with Jesus daily will change your life, your career, your family, and, of course, your future.

We are committed as a church to equipping the body of Christ to serve Him, to encourage one another with His love, and to reach out in an evangelistic effort to our neighborhoods and work places; God has called us to be salt and light, ambassadors for Him.  We believe the first place for equipping and discipleship begins in our homes with our own families.  Beyond that, we are called to go to our nation and around the globe to be on mission to make His name known among every tribe and people.


Bryan Gilbert, Pastor




Bryan Gilbert

Kelly Anderson

Tony Butler

Karen Cooke

Anita Reynolds

Teresa Stamps

Carrie Matherly


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